The survey was completed this week and required two guys working two days. Cam was the guy that held the stick and he seemed chatty and friendly. He made it clear that he was not a surveyor and just “the stick guy”. The guy on the business end of things was called Jackman because apparently he looked like Hugh Jackman. He was wearing a mask of course so i didn’t get a chance to judge for myself. He was not as chatty as Cam. They needed elevations and had to position the house within the lot because setbacks affect our plans. Our yard, the alley, and the sidewalk are all covered in survey pins, spray paint, and flagging tape. The survey was the last piece holding up the architect so we expect to be able to start the real planning in a week or two. Looking back we were incredibly naïve about how long it was going to take to get rolling but at least we are underway. At this point we are not going to actually have permits until September.
In other news i have finished taking the asbestos shingles off the west side of the house! Well…. almost. Technically i am done the original house but still have a day left to get them off of the addition portion. I am taking the win anyway. The stuff at the top and around the windows was a pain and most came off in pieces. The front and east side are already clear of asbestos below the lift line and i did a bunch on the back of the house so i am feeling in pretty good shape for the lift. One or two more days to work on the addition and under the stairs and we are on to our stretch goal of clearing the entire front and back. Not much can be done today as it is windy and rainy. I went out during a break in the rain and pulled out some wood to use for scaffolding along the back of the house to use on the long weekend. I still haven’t taken any of the bags of shingles out to the dump as we are trying to time that for a sunny weekend when we go out birding. Chances of that are increasing of the weather lining up as Sarah is shifting to a Monday to Friday schedule in April which will give us both days off together.
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