I took a bunch more drywall down this weekend including a bunch of the bathroom. I am not going particularly fast as i am trying to keep the dust down and keep pieces usable for soundproofing.
It might not seem like much but this little bathroom was one of the first things that we started renovating when we moved in. It was a disaster and had a funky smell from all of the rot. The whole room was Nassty with a capital ASS. I don’t think we have any pictures but i’ll see if i can dig some up. Sarah’s dad, John, came out shortly after we bought the house in 2005 on one of only 3 visits he made out to the coast since Sarah moved here to give us a hand. He spent a bunch of the time working on the house patching holes from the rewiring and gutting the bathroom. The studs on the exterior wall along the foundation had basically turned into mushrooms they were so rotten. (We still have primed patches on some of the walls where he filled holes but since we have been planning on renovating “next year” for the last decade and a half, we never even got them painted over.)
My dad also helped of course and some of the framing i took out had his labels on it. I got the habit from him of labelling all the material so you know what is the top, what the length is, or which end goes to the west.
I say “started” renovating because it took us many years to finish the bathroom completely. For years the sewer stack was exposed and the ceiling of the shower was just some vapour barrier that i had stapled up because i didn’t trust the bathtub plumbing which was directly above. We originally picked up a small bit of vinyl flooring (sort of spongy, no glue stuff with a cartoon undersea pattern. Quite nice actually) that we just put down on the floor, but after a few years we discovered the bottom of it was black with mold. It was never our primary bathroom so we made do for years. I think it took about 8 years to finish it and the help of both my father in law and my dad and it is only about 50 sq feet if that.
And now i am ripping it out.

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